Os empresários Christian Montgomery (da W Eventos) e Marcelo Yura se unem para realizar a primeira edição da festa do Baile...
Noite de quinta-feira (17 de julho) bem agitada no Skull Bar, com presença de muita gente bacana, boa música e...
A tradicional feijoada do Château Stella Artois aconteceu nesse sábado (21/06) e marcou a abertura oficial do inverno em Campos...
A final da 5ª edição da São José Copa Ouro Audi foi realizada no sábado, 31 de maio, na sede...
Opportunities to sit are virtually everywhere: at work, school, during transportation and at home. Quick fixes for health, appearance and emotional state are abundant and usually somebody else's responsibility.
Traveling with companions can occasionally be as frustrating as it is rewarding. However, there are a few simple tips and techniques that can make your journey together as stress-free as it should be. So whether you’re with friends or family, going as a group or just as a couple, remember the reason you originally decided to travel together was because you like each other!